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IPMDAR and DECM v3.6.1

January 2021 – With the new year, comes the latest version of the OPDEC IPM software (v7.9.95). On average, we aim to have at least 3 releases a year. These updates are typically driven by new industry standards or requirements, and feedback from our user-base. This latest release includes 59 new features and 88 improvements; including the IPMDAR, updating the DECM checks to version 3.6/3.6.1, a .CSV option for the SPAE report, and a simplified navigation menu.

The IPMDAR includes all needed formats: the Contract Performance Dataset (CPD), the Schedule Performance Dataset (SPD) and the Performance Narrative Report. The CPD and Narrative report are part of the Cost Module within IPM, whereas the SPD is part of the MS Project Add-In Utility tool. The CPD & SPD are provided in the required JSON file format. The Performance Narrative Report utilizes the same stream-lined features of the CPR/IPMR Format 5 by integrating with the IPM Var Narrative module and Program log.

In Nov 2020, the DCMA EVMS Compliance Metrics (DECM) were updated to version 3.6/3.6.1. This now includes the ability to automatically assess 73 of the 143 metrics. This exceeds the 66 assumed automatic checks defined by DCMA. As IPM contains integrated cost/schedule data as well as supplemental EV documentation like the work authorizations, are we able to automate even more of these metrics. Both the IPM DECM module, as well as the MS Project Add-In Utility tool, for schedule specific metrics, have been brought up to date with the latest version.

We believe that our software’s value comes from the effectiveness it provides to our users. As such, our priority is to review and board suggestions and new requirements, incorporate approved changes and release new updates as soon as possible.